Friday, August 23, 2013

Seriously... your face transforms, mutates, sours and glows!!

"Architecture is "frozen music"... Really there is something in this; the tone of mind produced by architecture approaches the effect of music."
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

When a HEARING-person enters the DEAF-world, one is transformed for life. I had never truly expressed myself until I learned to sign. Your body is asked to participate in ways you didn't know existed. Your face transforms, mutates, sours and glows! Words come to life; words become three-dimensional!

With music added to the strengths of ASL, one can build and design frozen-pictures, concepts, and words in mid-air; a choreographed sequence. I've dedicated myself to this wonderment! Can't WAIT to share!

Designing ASL-Music  :))

Have a great day, a fantastic weekend and a fulfilled life!
